Dental Fillings to Repair Broken Teeth

Dental Filling Chicago, IL

If you are self-conscious about your smile because of a damaged or chipped tooth, you should know that a dentist can use dental fillings to quickly correct these minor flaws and restore your smile's appearance.

An overview of dental fillings

Dental filling application is an in-office technique in which dentists use a tooth-colored resin substance to fix minor flaws in the teeth. The substance is molded directly onto the broken tooth, and then adhesives and a high-intensity curing light are used to cement the resin and transform it into a long-lasting extension of the tooth. The cosmetic process usually takes just a few minutes, though depending on the intricacy and size of the tissue region, it may take longer. In most cases, the procedure is completed in only one appointment.

Causes of broken teeth

Accidents and sports-related injuries are clear causes of tooth breakage. Other times, the cause is not so clear. Different events might weaken a tooth gradually, then the tooth breaks noticeably or the tooth's occlusal surface chips. An untreated cavity may degrade a tooth's structure over time. Having a big filling might weaken the tooth enamel surrounding the filling, making it more susceptible to wear and tear from biting and chewing.

Bruxism (involuntary nighttime teeth grinding) stresses tooth enamel significantly, causing small cracks. As with bruxism, tooth-on-tooth impact due to misaligned teeth may cause cracking and worn-down enamel. A tooth may break even when chewing soft food if the tooth's surface is sufficiently compromised.

What to expect during the appointment

The procedure begins with the dentist removing a portion of the enamel surface so they may appropriately mold the composite resin over the tooth. They administer an adhesive agent before applying the composite resin, which is then cured using a special light to ensure that it has properly adhered to the tooth. The dentist will then polish the teeth, which improves the appearance of the filled tooth and makes it seem more natural. It is advisable to consult a skilled dental professional with experience in dental restoration procedures to get the best results.

Who should get dental fillings?

Most individuals can get dental fillings for a broken tooth, though it is not suitable for everyone. Dental fillings, for example, work for mending minor cavities, chips, and fractures, as well as deformed and discolored teeth. Bonding can also be utilized to increase the length, width, or shape of the tooth and tiny overlaps or gaps in the smile. That said, dental fillings are generally used to enhance the look of otherwise healthy teeth. Bonding cannot correct more serious tooth breakage. The dentist might recommend a dental crown for such cases.

Suggestions for aftercare

The good part about getting dental fillings is that they can last up to ten years without the need for any special maintenance or visits to the dentist. However, this is only feasible through proper oral health care. Patients should avoid consuming or biting anything hard after the dental fillings procedure, especially hard candy and ice cubes.

As tough as the composite material is, it is not as tough as natural enamel, and biting on hard substances too frequently will break the tooth again, and the damage might even be worse this time. For those who deal with teeth grinding at night and want to avoid cracks, it is advisable to speak to the dentist about obtaining a night guard.

What to expect after getting fillings

In most cases, patients can eat right away after getting composite fillings, with no need for any special precautions. It will be hard to tell where the filing was done after that point since the tooth will look brand new. Sensitivity to hot and cold items might last up to 48 hours. The newly repaired tooth will be just as strong as a regular tooth.

How long will the fillings last?

Fillings, contrary to common perception, do not endure indefinitely. In most cases, a filling lasts between three and seven years, although a dentist needs to examine it regularly. If patients see any discoloration, darkening, or chipping around the filling, they need to make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible. These symptoms may indicate it is time to replace the dental filling.

Get a filling when you need one

Visit the dentist as soon as possible to have your cracked, chipped, and broken teeth checked. Dental fillings can improve your smile's appearance. To get started, contact the dental office to book an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Joyful Dental Care at (773) 786-9560 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Fillings in Chicago, IL.

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